I didn't have enough sleep last night.
KA woke up crying around 3.30am! And I just can't find any reason why. For one, I know he's not hungry, coz now that he's 9 months, he usually sleeps through the night. Wet diaper is also not a problem. I was still sleepy. Nevertheless, I forced myself to think why he's crying.
A little light bulb.
Cockroaches! I really really really hate them!
My poor child must have been bitten by the effin' roach. I immediately got out of the bed, turned on the lights and searched for roaches in our bed. Shoot! I saw one crawling at the wall next to our bed. (Note: Our baby sleeps with us on our bed) I often delegate the killing to my hubby but he's fast asleep. So, I did the disgusting thing of killing it by getting a tissue paper. Yikes!
After washing my hands, I checked KA for possible bites. Nothing visible so maybe he just woke up from a nightmare. I'm not sure if babies do have nightmares but I don't have any explanation why my baby was wailing in the wee hours of the morning.
To comfort him, I wrapped him around my arms and started to hum a made-up lullaby. Soon enough he had surrendered to dreamland again.
I know that roaches are a big NO-NO inside the household. What more, when there is a baby.
I don't want you to get the impression that me and hubby are bad parents for letting this happen. Hubby is a certified OC (as in obsessive-compulsive). When he's at home, he sweeps the floor at least 5 times a day. That does not include mopping it and keeping the place clean and shiny every time he's around. He can't stand dust or grimes or anything unorganized or out of place. The problem is we live with other people in this 2-bedroom flat. They also do some cleaning on their own but just not enough to exterminate the pests.
But there are lots of them: roaches. I don't know how we can control them. We have tried the baking soda mixed with sugar and then sprinkled on crevices, sides, corners. Actually, we've sprinkled it everywhere. Still, roaches are freely roaming around.
We have bought this poison gel which its cover says we can inject in strategic places for the roaches to eat them and get poisoned. Hubby did the first coating, which for me are unnoticeable in white walls.
So I did a second coating.
Aha! Hubby being a religious cleaner, was furious to see what I did. An eye-sore, he said, as he trailed his eyes to endless dots of poison gels on the walls (Note: these dots of poison were placed on levels not reachable by KA, just in case you're concerned). I told him it's better that way if it means killing a lot of roaches. Still, just like the baking soda thingy, the situation did not change.
We also have considered hiring a pest control specialist but that would mean leaving the place for 3-4 days for the chemicals to be fully effective. But it's not that easy. We have to consider a hotel to stay, our work, our baby, KA's toys, plus, you have to wash all your clothes, toys, dining sets, curtains, bedsheets, cushions when you get back just to ensure that chemical residues are removed.
Our last option will be to move to a cleaner and tidier and newer (if any) flat.
Which also means having to check our savings first. Argggh!
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