Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Weekly BabyCenter Mail

Today, I received this in my mailbox:

BabyCenter had been very useful to me even while I was pregnant. I receive weekly updates and tips from them not only for my baby but also for me as a mommy. They give you updates and guides on how your baby develops on a weekly basis: physically, emotionally and psychologically. Most of them makes me understand KA's current behavior and actions.

For example, last night when I came home, KA is playing in the next room with our flatmates. When he saw me, he immediately recognized me as his mommy and opened his arms towards me as if asking me to carry him. I can feel from the tightness of his grip that he had missed me so much so I cuddled him more and brought him to our room. I had to change my clothes for the homey ones so I laid him on the bed with his toys. But then I was surprised that he just ignored the colorful toy train, balls and blocks. Instead, he was trying to cling to me more. What a sweet baby, I told him. So I cuddled him more and showered him kisses this time, reassuring him that I'm not leaving him if he doesn't want me to.

So with my mail today from BabyCenter, it explains to me that KA begins to undergo a new phase in his development.

Separation Anxiety.

Sleeping at night is no longer a problem because he sleeps with us in our bed. KA used to go with anyone (even with complete strangers) who smiles at him. The past few days, it has become very obvious that even with the familiar ones (like those who live with us in the flat), KA gets very hesitant to come with them. He'll just look into you but then he won't come easily to you.

Has your baby experienced Separation Anxiety? How did you cope up?

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