Sunday, October 31, 2010

What's Happening on the 31st of October?

It’s the last day of the month.

And unlike in the Philippines, this side of the world is more concerned with Halloween parties and Trick or Treats than on remembering our loved ones who had gone to heaven. Well, I’m not even sure if they’ve got cemeteries here coz if there are, I wouldn’t know where. Maybe out on the desert?

Here in the Middle East, I think that Halloween is really not a national or regional festivity not like in Europe or in the US. But since most of the population is of expatriates, through the years, some companies, families and communities have also started to partake on the celebration.

Last weekend, we went to Spinneys to buy some stuff. Even at supermarkets, the festivity is very obvious. On the veggie stands, you can see the different sizes of pumpkins and also different textures and shapes, made into Jack-o’-lantern. I even saw this odd-looking pumpkin with so many bumps and lumps on its skin. It’s already “kadiri” (yucky) just looking at it.

Anyway, here in the office, the media division of the company will have a “pizza lunch party” later in the afternoon PLUS a costume party. Of course, no one will dare to let themselves look stupid with scary Halloween costumes unless there’s a prize. A top management official is giving away cash prizes for those brave enough to shame themselves. Even I can’t wait to see them. A colleague sitting next to me is wearing an all-black ensemble. She showed us this morning her tall witchy-pointy hat which she’ll put on later. She told us she wants to look scary but “No”, we told her, “you look cute”.

Most of the accounts/finance people are not participating since this is a really busy month-end-closing-week. I haven’t seen the other guys and gals on the other side of the building (also part of the media division) but I hope there will be lots to see of them (costumes).


In the Philippines, I remember visiting our departed loved ones on this day, as we try to avoid the crowd and the horrendous traffic on the day itself (November 1). Now this reminds me to light our candles tomorrow evening. Plus a little prayer for their souls.

How about you? How do you remember your departed loved ones?

Happy Halloween!

Jack-o'-lantern [Source]

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pick Your Price (Tag)

Most moms like me, who are busy with work, baby and household chores, often ignore tag prices when shopping for groceries. Especially if at the expense of comfort. Like preferring to shop at Spinneys which is just some thirty meters away compared to Carrefour which is a cab and a ten-dirham-drive away from our home.

For instance, I buy baby milk every one or two weeks. We usually go to Carrefour which has cheaper commodities but there are times when we forgot that our supply has gone and that Spinneys is the next best thing. I would say that a big difference is coming out when buying at Spinneys. Promil Gold is higher by 5 dirhams compared to Carrefour, which is quite a lot.

Six supermarkets were compared: Carrefour, Lulu Hypermarket, Geant, Hyperpanda, Spinneys and Choithrams. And in that order, the first one is of course the cheapest on most products of groceries, fruits, vegetables, dairy, toiletries, cleaning agents and other common household items. [Source: Xpress Gulfnews]

What really surprised me is, I never thought that Choithrams will come out as the most expensive one, because we also do some of our shopping there. It’s a block farther than Spinneys in King Faisal Road. Hubby would sometimes prefer shopping at Choithrams since some grocery items are cheaper than in Spinneys. I like Spinneys better because of the ambiance and the fresh fruits and veggies and it’s nearer (blame it on the tired feet), although I do admit that the price tags are almost the priciest. But if you ask me and hubby for what we will vote for as the best, it would be Carrefour. There is a very wide variety including books, electronics, household equipments, clothes. It’s like a mini-mall inside the mall. And they always go on sale.

I haven’t gone to Lulu, Geant or Hyperpanda but I’ve heard mixed reviews from my friends and officemates.

And thanks to the survey. I should put it into good use so I can save more.

Weekend is just a few hours away on this side of the world.

Happy weekend!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Juana Change - RH Bill: WHICH SIDE ARE YOU?


Heavenly Father, most Gracious, and Loving God, I pray to you that you abundantly bless my family and me. I know that you recognize, that a family is more than just a mother, father, sister, brother, husband and wife, but all who believe and trust in You. And that the power of joined prayer by those who believe and trust in You is more powerful than anything. I thank You in advance for Your blessings.

Father God, deliver the person reading this right now from debt and debt's burdens. Release Your Godly wisdom that I may be a good steward over all that You have given me Father, for I know how wonderful and mighty You are and how if we just obey You and walk in Your Word and have the faith of a mustard seed that You will pour out blessings. I thank You now Lord for the recent blessings I have received and for the blessings yet to come because I know You are not done with me yet.

In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

Thanks to Leni for this wonderful prayer she sent me yesterday.

The Bed, The Playground and The Pillow

 The Bed and The Playground (errr, maybe The Playground only)

Warning: This is not a bed. This is a playground.

Here is KA ruling us out on our bed. He seems to enjoy it by himself. Before, we usually buy him a toy or two every weekend. We are not spoiling him but he just gets bored with his toys that are more than a week old.

Well, due to practical reasons, we stopped buying him new ones. So what we do, we keep some of his toys for two weeks so he will miss them. I'm not really sure if that works because he knows his toys and cushions by the smell (and taste?) of them.

The Pillow

See that green and grey square pillow? That's his favorite one. He can always take fancy on his new toys or new pillows but he will eventually ignore them and take delight with this green and grey "elephant" pillow. He won't be able to sleep unless he snuggles it or at least touches it.

Clockwise from top left: 1. KA sleeping 2. KA posing for the picture 3. That's me when I was 8 months pregger at Dubai Airport waiting for my flight 4. KA standing up (goes to his cream cabinet) with his pillow
This pillow was my constant companion when I was pregnant. I would bring it everywhere when I travel and I also put in on my belly when I sleep. It has given me comfort when my big bulging belly feels heavy on my side. Maybe that is the reason behind KA's fascination and connection to this pillow.


Love you so much KA. You can pretty much make our whole room as your playground as long as you are happy. But please, stop putting to your mouth anything you grab. Even our floor gets sticky now with your drool.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Wish It's November Already

Ahhhh…today will be a busy day.

Actually, the following days until the first week of next month, I will be faced with month-end requirements, reports, blah blah blah.

I’m already excited for my 2-week vacation next month.


Will only be spending it locally because:

1.       Even if I still have my annual ticket, I have opted not to use it this year. Since it is transferrable, I could use it for my mom when she visits here on January (still tentative).

2.       I miss taking care of my KA. Although I have 2 days off every week, I just feel that it is not enough to take care of my little one. Even at work, I constantly think of him. He’s got a nanny, but that doesn’t mean I can trust her 120%. Yes, it should be 120%! I am not cruel. I just want the best for my baby.

3.       We’re on a tight budget. Hubby just started with work, after playing babysitter for 2 months to KA. And coming home to Philippines also means spending MORE money. PLUS: Monthly bills don’t take vacation when we are on vacation.

4.       I need a break. It has been a little bit more stressful these months. My workload increased (I am not complaining because it is better to be busy with work than just “trying to be busy with nothing”). It’s just that, added workload at the office doesn’t go nice with added responsibilities at home. Can I just complain about my lower back pain today? It really does hurt when I bend.

5.       And lastly, I would like to feel, even for only two weeks, how it is being a stay-at-home-mom. I’d love it if it’s for good. But no, not right now. Maybe when we got richer. We need at least 10 million pesos. Too much? LOL

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Weekly BabyCenter Mail

Today, I received this in my mailbox:

BabyCenter had been very useful to me even while I was pregnant. I receive weekly updates and tips from them not only for my baby but also for me as a mommy. They give you updates and guides on how your baby develops on a weekly basis: physically, emotionally and psychologically. Most of them makes me understand KA's current behavior and actions.

For example, last night when I came home, KA is playing in the next room with our flatmates. When he saw me, he immediately recognized me as his mommy and opened his arms towards me as if asking me to carry him. I can feel from the tightness of his grip that he had missed me so much so I cuddled him more and brought him to our room. I had to change my clothes for the homey ones so I laid him on the bed with his toys. But then I was surprised that he just ignored the colorful toy train, balls and blocks. Instead, he was trying to cling to me more. What a sweet baby, I told him. So I cuddled him more and showered him kisses this time, reassuring him that I'm not leaving him if he doesn't want me to.

So with my mail today from BabyCenter, it explains to me that KA begins to undergo a new phase in his development.

Separation Anxiety.

Sleeping at night is no longer a problem because he sleeps with us in our bed. KA used to go with anyone (even with complete strangers) who smiles at him. The past few days, it has become very obvious that even with the familiar ones (like those who live with us in the flat), KA gets very hesitant to come with them. He'll just look into you but then he won't come easily to you.

Has your baby experienced Separation Anxiety? How did you cope up?

What I'm Reading #1

I started two nights ago, trying to squeeze reading after KA sleeps and just before I doze off too. I am able to finish one and a half chapters in 15-30 minutes. Depending on how much time I feel awake and how many times I get interrupted by hubby.

I usually get engrossed by my reading, especially with the one I just finished last week: Have a Little Faith by Mitch Albom. This book won’t disappoint you, unless you’re not the type to read religion-related books. I am not that type too, but this book has something else. It’s not a self-help book regarding faith. It has life, it has reasons, it has values, it has everything else we try to ignore (at least, that’s how I interpret it to myself). There were moments of “Oh shoot! I’m like that!” or you thought of “I feel the same way” kind of things.

Oooppsss! Let’s stop there. I forgot all about The Monk already.

It’s pretty obvious that on the first three chapters, I already feel bored with it. Maybe because:
·         It’s not narrated on the first-person (I really love first-person narratives!)
·         The exciting parts are on the chapters after 3
·         I’m just tired from work that I can’t focus
·         It’s not an autobiography / memoir / chic lit / suspense / romance
·         It’s only a fable
·         I’m just plain bored with the book
·         I’m insensitive

Well I hope this impression will change tonight, when I read the next chapters after 3. Aha! I don’t want to lose hope. This book got so many good reviews that I want to give it a chance too.

Target date to finish The Monk: 24 October (2010, I guess?)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby Food: Broccoli and Banana Cheesy Shake

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a batchmate in Singapore. Just like me, she’s also a mom. I asked her if it’s difficult feeding her baby and if she can give me tips on what to give my KA. Something nutritious and healthy. She advised me to try porridge with chicken, pork or fish. But I’m a busy mom. I need something quick and easy.

I surfed the net for some useful easy-to-make or easy-to-cook meals for my baby. I wanted to incorporate dairy, veggies and meat on his meals and I was hoping I could come up with recipes that my babysitter can also prepare when I’m at work. I found so  many recipes which are just easy, so I compiled them all in just one file. I’m thinking of printing them out but it would be impossible to do it at the office without being caught. Maybe I’ll print one or two pages in a day. That would do for now.

Most of the recipes need pureeing.

I need a blender!

So last night, before going straight home, I dropped by Carrefour at City Center to find something cheap but with nice quality. I only have 110 UAE dirhams for cash as I don’t keep much in my wallet. I got a Kenwood Blender BL335 which costs 99 UAE dirhams, and it got a mill too. It’s already cheap compared to other brands that cost at least 140 UAE dirhams.

It’s already 8.00pm when I reached home. I’m already running late of preparing dinner for me and hubby, and also feeding KA. So here’s what I made for the baby:

¼ kilo broccoli, boiled and cooked
2 bananas
Thin slices of cheese
2 scoops of KA’s formula milk

How To:
Just put everything in the blender and puree it to the consistency that your baby prefers. You can add water as you like.

I tasted it and it was yummy.

KA super liked it. I had made around 1 and half cups of it and he almost finished it. I got myself a small glass of the yummy shake as a left over.

Sorry for not having taken a picture of it as KA got very impatient whenever the spoon is not on his mouth. He had 4 servings of it!

How about you? What kind of meals do you prepare for babies under 12 months?

Being a Mom

It's the greatest thing ever.

It's something you can't complain of. You become the person you are not before. You tend to your little one like no other. With him, you've got more love, more patience, more smiles, more joy, more faith, more humor (even if I'm the most boring Mom ever!).

I have a lot of stories to tell. And this post can go on forever if you will let me.

Of course not. My baby/mommy tales will bore you if I narrate it all: long and boring. So here's one for a start.

Laughing Out Loud (LOL)

I have learned to do things I normally wouldn't, just to make him smile or just to hear him laugh. I tried to avoid being overly corny with my invented quirks or what I call "tactics", but for the sake of the baby, I tend to exaggerate everything: sounds, movements, facial expressions. I look funny, I know, but who cares. Well, hubby does laugh at me sometimes. I do laugh at hubby too because he does the same things. The difference is, he does it better. He's been with kids for most of his life as he had grown in a compound where all her brothers' and sisters' families live too. I would say, he's an expert in entertaining babies, and also taking care of them (diaper change, feeding, baby baths etc.).

There was a time when my baby was only 5 months old and I was carrying him, singing some lullabies and sweet nothings, when hubby entered the room calling out to me. Well enough, KA immediately became alert to hubby's voice, turning his head to where the male voice comes from. The moment KA saw his dad, he had smiled a big bunch. I was jealous! I wonder when will I have that kind of charisma my hubby has with the baby. KA is not like that to me. Maybe KA did for like very rare times. But with his dad, it is EVERY TIME. I know I shouldn't be jealous. Sorry but I just felt I'm being left out.

Anyway, that was 4 months behind me now. There are still a lot to learn in this journey me and hubby have as parents. Some are easy, some are difficult to deal with, and also some are in between. I realized that there are things that hubby can do, and I cannot. And other things that I CAN DO, but hubby cannot.

That will do for me now, as long as KA is happy.

I really hope he's happy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Rant with Roaches

I didn't have enough sleep last night.

KA woke up crying around 3.30am! And I just can't find any reason why. For one, I know he's not hungry, coz now that he's 9 months, he usually sleeps through the night. Wet diaper is also not a problem. I was still sleepy. Nevertheless, I forced myself to think why he's crying.

A little light bulb.

Cockroaches! I really really really hate them!

My poor child must have been bitten by the effin' roach. I immediately got out of the bed, turned on the lights and searched for roaches in our bed. Shoot! I saw one crawling at the wall next to our bed. (Note: Our baby sleeps with us on our bed) I often delegate the killing to my hubby but he's fast asleep. So, I did the disgusting thing of killing it by getting a tissue paper. Yikes!

After washing my hands, I checked KA for possible bites. Nothing visible so maybe he just woke up from a nightmare. I'm not sure if babies do have nightmares but I don't have any explanation why my baby was wailing in the wee hours of the morning.

To comfort him, I wrapped him around my arms and started to hum a made-up lullaby. Soon enough he had surrendered to dreamland again.

I know that roaches are a big NO-NO inside the household. What more, when there is a baby.

I don't want you to get the impression that me and hubby are bad parents for letting this happen. Hubby is a certified OC (as in obsessive-compulsive). When he's at home, he sweeps the floor at least 5 times a day. That does not include mopping it and keeping the place clean and shiny every time he's around. He can't stand dust or grimes or anything unorganized or out of place. The problem is we live with other people in this 2-bedroom flat. They also do some cleaning on their own but just not enough to exterminate the pests.

But there are lots of them: roaches. I don't know how we can control them. We have tried the baking soda mixed with sugar and then sprinkled on crevices, sides, corners. Actually, we've sprinkled it everywhere. Still, roaches are freely roaming around.

We have bought this poison gel which its cover says we can inject in strategic places for the roaches to eat them and get poisoned. Hubby did the first coating, which for me are unnoticeable in white walls.

So I did a second coating.

Aha! Hubby being a religious cleaner, was furious to see what I did. An eye-sore, he said, as he trailed his eyes to endless dots of poison gels on the walls (Note: these dots of poison were placed on levels not reachable by KA, just in case you're concerned). I told him it's better that way if it means killing a lot of roaches. Still, just like the baking soda thingy, the situation did not change.

We also have considered hiring a pest control specialist but that would mean leaving the place for 3-4 days for the chemicals to be fully effective. But it's not that easy. We have to consider a hotel to stay, our work, our baby, KA's toys, plus, you have to wash all your clothes, toys, dining sets, curtains, bedsheets, cushions when you get back just to ensure that chemical residues are removed.

Our last option will be to move to a cleaner and tidier and newer (if any) flat.

Which also means having to check our savings first. Argggh!